Thursday, August 11, 2011

I-35 and Redemption

I first want to apologize for the downtrodden demeanor of yesterday's posting. It was depressing to say the least, and I'm here to strive for a hopeful and lighthearted assurance.  With that said, I will progress with my posting.

I was driving down I-35 yesterday thinking about my troublesome life circumstances and how I needed to buy an iron. I looked across the 4 lanes full of cars and like a brick to the head I realized I wasn't the only person on the road. I wasn't the only person on the road. I wasn't the only person on the road. There were hundreds of other people on the highway, each one with their own life circumstances, their own problems, their own relationships, their own singleness, their own lives. I wasn't the only person on the road. It was like being an outsider looking into a fishbowl.  How silly I felt feeling as if my world was as large as the one we live in. My world is so small on the grand scheme of things.  I'm a speck of flour in a chocolate chip cookie made at Tiff's Treats. They make thousands of cookies. Thousands. I'm a piece of flour in one. Do you know how liberating this is? How filled with relief this idea makes me?  I can be happy knowing that the problems I need to solve are not problems of the universe at large. I do not need to fuel the production of all the cookies from Tiff's Treats as a speck of flour, nor is anyone expecting me to. I can do my part as flour to make that cookie dang good, but all the other flours, all the chocolate, all the butter... all y'all need to have some personal accountability and do your own part.

Actually, in the grand scheme of things, I'm a pretty lucky piece of flour. I wasn't dropped on the floor, leaving me unwanted and all-purpose-less.  I was wanted for the cookie. Maybe I decided to back out at the last minute because I was afraid of the oven, or because I felt responsible for ensuring that the snicker doodle cookies were going to be tasty. Chocolate chip gave me a second chance when I realized I don't even really like snicker doodle and am absolutely happiest being with chocolate chip. 

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