Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dudes at the Hilton pop their collars.

As people check into a hotel, they simultaneously check their common sense at the door. As it is, silly things that don't occur in the normal world happen at a hotel.  For the sake of hotel employees around the world, please abide by the following rules to make your stay and their lives and little bit easier.

1) Tip the valets and bellman more than a couple of dollars.
If you weren't aware before now that valets and bellman make far below minimum wage per hour, now is the time to let that concept sink in. Tip, please. And tip well. They will judge you if you don't.

2) Be kind to the hotel staff.
If you're frustrated or angry, please refrain from yelling at the front desk girl. More than likely she is not the cause of your problem. However, she does have the power to fix the problem and maybe give you more than what you were asking for. What you don't realize is that hotel agents have the power to give away alot of free stuff, but they'll only do it if you're nice. So mind your manners, please.

3) Tip the house keepers.
She's cleaning up your mess and she is not your mother. The most you can do is give a couple dollars. 

4) Realize that hotels do in fact sell out and your honors standing doesn't make much difference. The following scenario happens more times that it ought to. Don't be this guy:
- Front desk agent to walk-in guest on a Saturday during football season: "I'm sorry sir, but we're sold out."
Gentleman to front desk agent: "I know, but I'm an honors member". I'm sorry, but we don't have rooms ad infinitum.

5) Use your concierge.
If the hotel you are staying in has a concierge, use them.  Ask questions, make reservations, get directions. Whatever. Use the concierge. The job of the concierge is simply to be knowledgeable and have connections. Even if you know exactly where you want to eat, have the concierge make the reservation for you. Chances are, you will get a reservation at exactly the time you want or get preferred seating and a free appetizer.If you call yourself, you may have to haggle on the reservation time and you certainly won't get a free appetizer.  The concierge has access to discounts galore and loads of free stuff. Take advantage of that situation.

6) Don't use abbreviations.
I don't ever want to hear this phrase, or anything similar, come out of anyone's mouths: "Yea I just talked to the concierge and got a res. at a rest. for the eve. I think its going to be fab. I'm from San Fran." Ew.

7) Take in your surroundings.
I realize that hotels are a big, wonderful place full of magic and surprises, but the ATM next to me with sign that says, "ATM", isn't a trick. Nor is the sign with arrows pointing to the restroom, restaurants in the hotel, and convention center, invisible. I don't mind answering your questions, but I think this little rule might save your ego.

8) Don't steal bell carts.
The bell carts aren't yours. They were not provided for your general use. The bell carts are bell carts. As in, for the use of the bellmen. You coming down to "just use the cart" is like going to a mechanic and wanting to "just use a wrench" to fix your own car.  Remember, bellmen will judge you.

9) If you have a problem, tell someone.
If your TV is broken, if you can't get hot water, if you're allergic to the pillows, tell someone. There are hundreds of rooms in the building that stay occupied and in use most nights. Things break and we're sorry, but we can't very well fix it if you don't tell someone right away. Telling us in an email two weeks after you check out or even on your way out the door doesn't allow us to solve the problem. Remember, we have free stuff.

10) Don't pop your collar.

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