Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monkey see, monkey do.

I grew learning "if a, then b". If you do well in elementary school, you are likely to do well in junior high. If you excel in college, you will find a high paying job. If you tithe ten percent, Jesus will bless you tenfold.  Unfortunately, the negative consequential series can apply as well.  "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". If you don't accept Jesus in your heart, you will burn for eternity in hell. 

As a child, these same rules applied to every aspect of my life.  I've learned in the recent past that while most children are taught consequences, it wasn't taught nearly to the extent that I learned these lessons.  Bible versus teaching me that if you sway from the path of God, God a) will strike down and kill your family or b) have you swallowed up by a whale or c) send droves of bugs to your backyard (or any combination of the above).  Not only will God take direct action, but he encourages your family and friends to disown you if you fall away.  As an 8 year old, the idea that locus's will invade my swingset and my parents will kick me out if I do any wrong was terrifying.  As an 8 year old, therefore, I made sure I was a darn good 8 year old.

While I grew up and developed a deeper understanding of those lessons (it was a big fish, not a whale, and locus's are kind of cool), there were a few fairly straightforward lessons I couldn't shake.  In the books of Matthew and 1 Corinthians, the process and examples of expelling a member from your church and family are spelled out quite clearly: if you go against the church and its teachings, you will be kicked out. Not only will you be expelled from the church, but your family and friends must abide by the church's example and have nothing to do with you until you turn from your wicked ways. So even if I disagree and have a logical argument as to why whatever teaching at hand may be wrong, I'm going to be disowned? As an awkward kid with few friends, the threat of being disowned by the church and my family was too much to bear. Because my father was the pastor of my church, there was no hope in the notion that maybe my family would be better than that and show more love and compassion than the members of the church. I was raised to do exactly as I was told for fear of inevitable consequences.

As an adult, my father frequently sends me emails telling me that if I continue my current relationship, he will disown me. On the other hand, the love of my life is telling me that he loves me unconditionally, and always will.  We have our hard times. Last night was one of them. He feels betrayed and hurt, and understandably so. I continue to do things that are thoughtless, causing in him further pain and the desire to end the relationship. He's stuck it out so far, and while I'm not sure how much longer he can last, he continues to push onward.

To have someone I've hurt so much tell me in the midst of his pain that he loves me unconditionally has been something incredibly hard for me to understand.  He, as an individual person, loves me more than my own parents. At the same time, a relationship is a thing, not a person, and its love and strength is conditional. I can't expect him to stay in a relationship that is causing him daily pain.  I can't bear continuing to cause that in him. He deserves some comfort and peace. I'm learning everyday how to be a better person for him and myself, but he doesn't deserve to suffer those growing pains.

While I'm not sure what the fate of this relationship will be, and I'm positive it will soon be revealed, I am forever grateful for being taught what unconditional love is and experiencing it first hand. I'm forever grateful that he gave us another shot. While I regret not being better armed for what could have the best kind of relationship, I am so grateful for having at least a little bit of time with someone as wonderful as John. There's an emptiness that can't be filled if he leaves, but there are spaces he filled that no one else will ever be able to touch. I learned to love unconditionally, and I love John unconditionally. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Chai latte's and Windy Days

It's been duly noted that my uninspired self has left this blog unattended and in dire need of some affectionate, witty writing. While it is likely that no delivery of such grand literary skills may be delivered today, I'll certainly do my best to keep your attention and gain some organization of my racing thoughts. 

My friend has recently taken on a new profession as a stripper. She's a talented, darling blonde who struts her stuff and banks big bills while posing as many a man's fantasy. If one was to meet her outside of the reverie of strobe lights and scantily clad women, she's an animated, brisk girl with an air of innocence in her blue eyes and girly figure with an uncanny ability to tell you what day of the week whatever date you mention falls on ("October 16th" "Sunday!"). I would argue that my friend is absolutely not of the exotic dancer "type". Yet, her confident nature and innocent semblance brings home several hundreds of dollars a night. Her uniqueness makes her a hit.

I could (and did) write a very long paragraph complaining about my current work situation. About how under-valued as an employee I am and how unfair it all seems. But at the end of my rant I realized a) nothing has changed and b) nobody cares.  My friend is making an ungodly amount of money because she chose to go out there and get it.  CEO's choose to go out there and grab their positions, as unethical they may or may not be. I chose this job, and have learned rather quickly, that the hotel business is not for me. Not to say that stripping is for me either (this was a very real consideration for a few weeks, mind you. I'd be darn good at it, but I'm simply not interested in pushing my already-fragile relationship any closer to the edge).  Therefore, as an empowered adult, I'm choosing to look elsewhere for employment. I'm choosing to find a company that will value and and not only utilize, but further develop my already proven skills. I'm choosing to find a company that won't feel the need to babysit their employees. Finally, I'm choosing to find a company that will pay me what I deserve, rather than being drawn to non-monetary incentives.

By the way, the weather is finally starting to change. The high today 89 and is currently 85. The in-house coffee shop finally stocked up on pumpkin spice. I'm hoping the hellish drought that was my life is finally over and the amiable nature of a pumpkin spice chai latte is my new disposition.